15. November 2021 | Pressemeldung
Performance Media, blueSummit and Qverse merge to form PIA Media
The three companies of the PIA Group will operate under the umbrella brand PIA Media from 01.01.2022. By bundling their competencies and strengths, they will form the largest digital media agency in Germany. The goal: the perfect customer experience in the form of a consistent cross-media customer experience, which is all the more determined by data, technology and a digital ecosystem.
“Through the merger of the three agencies, we will not only be the largest digital media agency in Germany, but the lead agency for clients who want to properly position media and marketing for the 2020s,” says Hanno Stecken, CEO of PIA PM and, in the future, also of PIA Media. According to the current COMvergence ranking, PIA Media is the largest digital media agency in the DACH region. “There is only one customer experience. And there is an infinite number of them. We look forward to defining a new era of marketing communications and shaping the 20s with scale, true digital DNA and outstanding data and technology expertise for and with our clients.” The management board of PIA Media is completed by Christian Genkel as Chief Commercial Officer, Axel Schönau as Chief Client Officer and Matthias Lesch as Chief Operating Officer.
Leading in Data & Tech: PIA Media unites 550 experts from all relevant media areas
Data intelligence and technology excellence have long since ceased to be an additive in agency work, but are the central key to successful marketing communication. PIA Media will work like an API (Application Programming Interface), i.e. linking data and systems as well as integrating providers, partners and other agencies. With the goal of a perfect customer solution. “PIA Media is the first point of contact for clients whose marketing is data-driven, who rely on the power and benefits of AI, who think of their target groups as live, dynamic and individualised, and especially for those clients who see marketing without system breaks in planning, activation and optimisation,” says Hanno Stecken.
PIA Media: a full-service media agency of the 21st century that digitises all channels
The integrated marketing communication (IMC) approach is primarily about integrating disciplines and agencies in such a way that a homogeneous 360° communication is created across all contact points. This approach will not change much in the future, it will just be increasingly subject to digitalisation. “We are further developing PIA into a ‘New Agency Platform’ focused on Media, Content, UX and Tech & Data. With PIA Media, we are taking an important step towards becoming a fully integrated Customer Experience Champion 2025 and putting an exclamation mark as the largest digital media agency in Germany. I am proud of 500+ top-class media experts and a TOP management team around Hanno Stecken,” says Christian Tiedemann, CEO PIA Group.
All about PIA Media
1. through the merger to become by far the largest digital
media agency in Germany.
PIA Media will be the first point of contact for clients who think of their communication primarily and from the start digitally. In other words, for clients who do not see or want to see any breaks between the individual contact points and clients who believe in a consistent customer experience across all media. An experience that is determined by data, technology and a digital ecosystem.
2. PIA Media brings together 550 experts from all relevant media fields, but especially in the fields of Data & Tech PIA Media will be the leading agency.
All marketing communication is significantly determined by data. Data intelligence and technology excellence are therefore no longer an additive in agency work, but the central key to successful marketing communication. PIA Media will work like an API, i.e. we will link data and systems just as we integrate providers, partners and other agencies. With the goal of the one, perfect client solution. PIA Media will be the API agency.
3. digitalise all channels, which is why PIA Media sees itself as the
full-service media agency of the 2020s.
The approach of so-called integrated marketing communication (IMC), which was coined in the noughties and tenies, was primarily about integrating disciplines and agencies in such a way that a homogeneous 360° communication is created across all contact points. Not much has changed in this approach. Except that it is logically also subject to digitalisation – welcome to digital IMC!
dIMC means: all planning starts with digital. And it also means that product, service experience and marketing communication are increasingly converging. Maybe dIMC is changing more than we thought. Welcome to the 20th.